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Nov 2016

Hi @Kenny_Light great question! You’d be quite surprised (I was) at how well a good printer with the right settings can “bridge” gaps, even quite substantial ones. However, this bridging will be better or worse depending upon what’s around the bridge. Have you ever seen Benchy (http://www.3dbenchy.com/ 4 )? The roof of the cabin is unsupported, so you could imagine that to be the seat of your chair, however, it’s important that the cabin has walls and the bridging is able to go from one “solid” support to another. With a chair, what you’ve got is just four fairly small pillars so you’d have no support for the bridging to “leap” from.

As you’ve suggested, finding how to print things is part of the fun!

You could also look at printing supports (throwaway extruded plastic that, in theory, comes away from the finished part), but if the furniture is very small this could be tricky, or you may need to use something like PVA or HIPS that dissolves.