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Jan 2017

Ive had my quiditech dual extruder running pretty consistently now for over two months with excellent results. however recently ive been getting these “blobs” on corners and sometimes these “loops” on horizontal surfaces. ive slowed down and it seems to help some, but im wondering why this happens all of the sudden…im adding hours to my prints just to overcome this and would rather not. thanks for your input, ill attach pics…here are my settings on simplify3d:

taulman g-tech

nozzle: 235c

bed: 40

speed: 40mm/s

retraction: 3mm

  • created

    Jan '17
  • last reply

    Jan '17
  • 3


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  • 4


I am not familiar with the filament you are using but I have seen other materials produce bubbles and strings if the material has absorbed moisture.

I would try try using a new spool of material if you have one. You can also dry material in an oven set to 80C. It may take up to 24 hours.

The second thing i would would try is adjusting the amount of retraction which can control stringing.

Good Luck!

If everything else is exactly the same, I would look at the PTFE liner, if your printer has one.

Yes on the PTFE tube. If you have been over 230 a lot then it could be damaged.