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Dec 2016

Nice new page for the “part is posted” part of the order. Good that you can allow tracking numbers, add extra info etc. I assume the customer gets to see these new postage fields?

Keep up the good work with all these new updates and improvements!


  • created

    Nov '16
  • last reply

    Dec '16
  • 16


  • 1.1k


  • 3


OK, here’s a quick question based on postage - just got an email advising to improve me postage and offer next day. Not getting into the whole next-day ranking factors etc as this has been discussed - but when updating my postage option, there is a “Context” which is required, either default or Thingiverse? What is this for?

Yes just noticed this. Maybe should have been in the changelog?

Would be nice if you are able to add Posten/Bring (Norwegian Post) to the list, or maybe something called “other” if I want to include a tracking number. How does this work for the customer?

OK - now I got an automated message from “Delivery Service” once an order was delivered… c’mon 3d Hubs, let us know what all these postage updates are about. Very impressive updates, but curious even more now! :slight_smile:

(not sure if it was a bug, but my order seemed to be missing a variable? “Your order has been marked as delivered by .” Nothing before the full stop?


New order with same tracking service and now seeing updates. Only just posted but already got where and when I posted it, very handy for the customer (and us!)
