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Jun 2015


I’ve enjoyed last two years as Mayor for 3D-Hubs.

Looking back, the community brought us much.
"…learned more than 1,5 years of Googling…|
“feels a party every month”
“very easy to ask for help”
“shared interests and goals”

The eindhoven@3dhubs.com email is passed on the Albert Falck.
You can reach me on my personal email-adress: R.H.Vissers /@/ gmail.com

I wish Albert and Bas all the Best taking it to the next level.

Thanks, see you next time, Cheers,


  • created

    Jun '15
  • last reply

    Jul '15
  • 4


  • 1.3k


  • 5



Thank you for everything in the past years, and we hope you will still be able to attend lots of meetings!

Albert and Bas, Lots of luck!

Thanks Robert for facilitating the events in Eindhoven! and Albert, keep up the great work hosting the monthly events @ Layers. May there be many to come :slight_smile:


1 month later

@Kyle; @Albert Falck

cheers Robert, and good luck Albert

greetz Alf, mayor utrecht