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May 2015
3 months later

Well, I just had to take my school’s Ultimaker 2 completely apart. We have to order a new extruder head, since ours has been having issues for almost a year :/… the extrusion is super unreliable. Unfortunately, the U2 is the only machine we’ve got that uses 2.85mm filament, since the two Makerbot Replicators only take 1.75. So I guess my filament testing is done for a while…(my 150g of 1.75 won’t last long, and I keep it at home.) anyways, I enjoyed the FlexSolid quite a lot! I look forward to more colors and other filaments from you folks!

Ps: If you ever need another beta tester, my email is loganjohnson5@gmail.com!

12 days later

@MadeSolid01 When do you think the technical data will be released? Is it bio-compatible or at least ok for skin touching applications?

@tmlowe this is fantastic, I kind of want one :P. Did you make any adjustments to the guide tube?

@cinter thanks, I can send you one if you want! I didn’t make any adjustments to the guide tube and it worked fine. The strap is a very simple flat shape though - I’m not sure how it will deal with more complex shapes.

Sam, this is so cool and yes, I want one too! :slight_smile: Would you be willing to start a new thread about this print, so it doesn’t get lost in this one? And please share the source of the design file too. It’s already day 6, how is the strap holding up?

Thanks all! The printed strap is very basic and the fastening isn’t very secure at the moment but I’m planning to make a better one soon - when I do I’ll post details on a new thread. The ‘watch’ part is my previous project - it’s kind of a card holder in the shape of a smart watch. I’ve put it on Etsy with a fabric strap: This item is unavailable - Etsy . I’ll add the 3d printed strap if I can get it working well.

3 months later

Thanks for sharing your tests Logan! It helps a lot. Flex solid has great material properties but it can be a bit challenging to find the right settings.