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18 / 21
Nov 2015

Hi Gary, nice to see you on Talk! I believe it was your Marvin that got featured in the latest Hub Weekly earlier today? :slight_smile: Congrats! It certainly shows the level of outstanding quality this machine provides.

Feel free to share your projects/ prints with the community here at any time :wink: Cheers

HI Victor! Thanks for the stellar review. And as a B9 Distributor, I can certainly help you with that acquisition! :slight_smile: I have great respect for the Formlabs product. It is very applicable to many uses and with its larger print area it can handle some jobs that the B9 can’t. A well-tuned B9 is however, capable of higher resolution. I look forward to working with you and other here! Best,


@gabriela3d Yes, please do! I’ve looked into the in-box and not found it. Maybe it went out prior to hub being activated? Dunno, but I’d love to see it. gary at dawsondistributions dot com. And thanks for your great comments!!!

Awesome quality, I totally thought it was a render too!

Congrats on your Marvin :slight_smile:

Hey hey, alright! Welcome Gary. All, this guy is the king of all things additive jewelry. I can verify!

Hi Gary, good to see you on 3DH!

I can certainly recommend Gary as a straight-up dealer and excellent craftsman with expert knowledge of the B9Creator. While we haven’t met in person, we’ve conversed, shared email, and participated in B9Creator Forums together.

Where can I click on some stars here to recommend him? max rating for sure!



@ZLab3d Hi David and Katherine! Thanks so much for your kind comments and I can reciprocate. These guys (Zlab3d) also have an intimate knowledge of the B9 and can more easily help our clients in their area. Check them out if you haven’t already!

6 months later

Gary, I am looking for someone to help design and print a prototype. Can you please give me a call at 541-510-7161?


Dave Greufe