Hi, everybody! A month ago we’ve started 3d model search engine.
Its like a Google, but only for 3d models. Now we have more than 750000 models in index. And we keep going with the indexing. http://3dmdb.com/ 432 - 3d model database.
Soon we’ll add filters by price/format and searching by pictures and by topology/profile/shape.
What else is necessary for your opinion? Would be great to get any feedback from you.
It would be great for us 3D printers if you had a filter that sorted out the models that were suitable for 3D printing without having to run it through any clean up programs or do any modifications to the models.
I was also going to message you but I don’t know how to do that anymore on 3Dhubs? You could list www.trinpy.com 25 on your 3d model database, these designs are made specifically for 3d printing.
We have improved the characteristics of our search engine. We have become faster!
Now the average server response time for user search pages is 210-300ms
Great news! The number of models in our 3d Model Database reached 3 million.
3dMdb.com 5 is the unique 3d model aggregator and Search Engine. 3 million models for 3D printing, CG (graphics), VFX, Gaming, etc! To date, 3dMdb.com 1 indexes about 40 largest stores of models for printing and graphics.
Dear friends! Your favorite 3d models’ search engine 3 came in the second place in the number of indexed models. Our competitor - not a search engine - contains 4 000 000 models. This is mean that we’ll soon become the leaders in this field with your help! Only 959,485 models left! Add your work to the search engine index. We work without commission.
Dear friends! We’re happy to congratulate you with Merry Christmas and happy New Year! Thank you that you’re choosing 3dMdb 3d models search engine 2, guys. In the new year so many surprises waiting for you.