
So I put my printer together and I start test printing, it worked out well but till filament got stuck in cold part (because i didnt see that the cooling fan was turned on), first I didnt saw that untill it just stopped extruding, but the problem is not in the motor, problem is in Mother board. So i think the stepper motor driver is broken could i replace the driver or i need new board? i bought this but they gave me bit diffrent board http://www.3dpmav.com/product/3d-printer-motherboard-control-board-v1-4-reprap-one-board-ramps1-4-mks-base-compatible/

and when i hooked it up then i realized that it dosent have code and i dont know what to do…

And when i do need to buy new one is this right

board? https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/3D-Printer-Control-motherboard-MKS-BASE-V1-0-compatible-RAMPS-1-4-Printer-Control-Reprap-MendelPrusa/1047297\_2031109769.html

I tryed to contract the seller 2 times and havent given me feedback.

First the fan makes no sense. It really shouldn’t cause an issue. So why do you think it is the board?

Your going to need to get more specific on what happened and some pics can help.

After first print the cold part was hot and when i started another test print it died , I didn`t know that fan turns off when i start printing . When i swich z and Extruder motors then z motor what is running on extruder driver dosent work.

The board that i bought is V1.5 and the original was V1.4 so the code dosent work, i tryed all and what i got was beeping frm the control panel.