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Dec 2015

Hey! I have been printing with a velleman k8200 for two years now and im really happy with my prints, but with aalot of prints down, its starting to show wear in bearings, rods, belts and on and i have decided to buy a delta configuration printer.

My question is, as i have done quite alot of research on these printers, the main technique for moving the axis are pulley (the wheels) and linear ball bearing. Which one of these would you recommend?

And if someone have bought one like this: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Automatic-Desktop-3d-printer-large/32261046955.html?spm=2114.01020208.3.28.vDY38T&ws\_ab\_test=searchweb201556\_1,searchweb201644\_2\_79\_78\_77\_82\_80\_62\_81,searchweb201560\_3 would you recommend one (they’r under 200$!)?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

  • created

    Dec '15
  • last reply

    Dec '15
  • 1


  • 1.2k


  • 2




  • Inexpensive to initially purchase
  • Inexpensive to replace/repair


  • If not properly adjusted, can add to slop in motion
  • wheels with knicks/dents can add to inaccuracy or poor motion

Linear Rails


  • Very smooth operation
  • Low parts count
  • Easy assembly
  • Adds ro rigidity of machine
  • Very accurate


  • Can be expensive to initially purchase
  • Can be expensive to replace/repair
  • Can be heavy depending on the size of the delta, but this doesn’t negatively effect performance