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Mar 2015

I just downloaded the new host software that is packaged with cura slicer. when ever I slice with cura the prints end up off my print bed, also it seems to be ignoring any support, brim, and skirt settings.

Thanks in advance

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    Mar '15
  • last reply

    Mar '15
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Have you tried slic3r instead. I’ve never used curator before so I don’t know about those problems. Most likely some sort of configuration not setup properly.

Ya I currently use slic3r, but curator has a faster slice time and estimates faster print times and less material use. Just seems to be more efficient is all. I’ll have to take a look into the settings to see what seems off.

Oh cool. I haven’t tried any other slicers yet. Open skeinforge once and it was just was to much going on at once lol. I’ll probably look in to that soon. I’m waiting on my chimera hotend to get shipped

I would head on over to soliforum.com 23 and post your question there with screen shots of all your settings. It’s some kind of bed size setting but without looking at your settings it would be hard to help you. Bed size can be set in a couple different locations and different slicers might over ride or get that info from a different spot. But good idea to switch to Cura, I did that a couple months ago and I would never go back to slic3r now. Hopefully see you over on soliforum.

I had problems using Cura. I am satisfies with Slic3r, pretty good software. I mostly use Solidoodle’s presets, only modify a few things. I print with OctoPrint which runs on a Raspberry Pi.

Hello, I use Slic3r and Cura, and I haven’t noticed any issues like that, but you may try checking if you don’t have some override settings. Also, you can try with another file and see if that happens again.

First I downloaded the newest repetier host, but just what you have it ignored everything and would only print on default. I recommend to download repetier host from the solidoodle website, it is an older version but the printer listen to the changes you made in the settings. You can save your new setting to another name without any problems

My 2¢: I use both cura and slic3r in repetier on both my Solidoodle 2 at home and a Rostock max at work. There are advantages to both software, as some people have suggested. In my experience, slicer is slower, both in generating code, and produces longer print times. However, this cost does not come without a benefit. In my experience, the surface finish from slicer prints is almost always better. This is especially true when printing multiple parts as a single plate. One tip for speeding up slicer slice time, raise the number of threads used in the advanced setting. In most cases, maxing this number will drastically increase slice time. In addition to faster slicing, Cura tends to print faster, and generally slightly stronger prints (this can vary based on settings, but is mostly based on fundamental differences in slicing philosophy). Slic3r generates more complex support structures, which when they work properly, are much easier to remove. Cura supports are more reliable, but must be cut off in most cases. This varies greatly with material, and I have generally found that slicer generates excellent support for most PLA prints, while ABS can have issues with slic3r support. As for your problems, make sure the printer settings are set in all programs correctly (repetier, Cura, and slicer) and that they match the settings in your firmware. Cura pulls a lot of its settings from repetier, so if they are not set correctly there, it can lead to issues.

Thanks for the recamendation. I will start there, I figured it would be bed size and center but wanted more opinions.

One other thing to check is the start and end gcodes in Cura. If there is a weird move that takes the head outside the build envelope, it might be screwing with the printer’s assumed position. Remember that most 3d printers run in open loop control, so if you do something that disturbs the calibration during the print, the rest of the print will be out of calibration until you re home the axes.