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I assembled the a3 kit Prusa i3 from JGAURORA in about 15-16 hours. Everything was pretty much consistent with the installation videos except one major thing. The video talks and shows two red cables that are installed in the plus (+) power slot on the main board. However, my kit didn’t contain any cables that looked like these besides the ones that heat up the nozzle but those go in the E0 slot. I guessed that I would have to put the red + black cable in that power slot, but the next instruction was to tie up the red + black cable with the LCD screen cables in the minus (-) power slot. I did that and completed the build, but my printer wont turn on (screen not lighting up). I tried switching around the power cables and changing my voltage to 220V but all I get is a high pitched noise but no visual feedback. Wondering if the missing cables are the problem, or I should just put the red side of the red + black cable in the plus (+) slot. Or are there any other options?