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May 2017

Its not the filament I’m using as I quite like the smell of PLA being printed. For some reason, when the FFCP is running, it makes the entire house smell like skunk. Thats the best way I can describe it - a skunky type smell. Can’t figure out where its coming from. My guess would be the buildplate maybe. Anyone elses smell like that? Can’t even smell the PLA.

First I would look for any burnt things, connectors etc.

Is the printer new? Did you replace the sheet on the bed?

@mrjoebruno We have had the same issue. We haven’t found what it is either. We bought a air filter for particles and odors from Amazon. It fixed it.


Well, I’m glad to hear it’s not just me. It’s bad enough that we have to be cautious when printing certain filaments that could slowly kill us. We shouldn’t have to worry about some mystery Chinese component in the printer itself releasing some unknown toxin.

PLA gives me a headache. Personally, I don’t even trust filters. I spend too much time surrounded by these machines. I vent all exhaust outside.

Was wondering. I don’t remember a bad smell on mine when it was new. I know that the new PEI sheets I use really stick at first so I wonder if it is just the plastic of the case?

I would definitely look for anything melting or burn marks especially on the main board and hot bed connector.

All we got to say is pick up an exhaust system for it, when we first started out we just used some 40mm flexipipe, couple 24v fans, bit of duct tape and wired them into a spare power supply and shoved the other end out of the nearest window. You should look into it!

Its not just you! For the longest time, we actually thought someone had hidden a bag of weed in the offices. Turned out to be the Flashforge. I had assumed it was the filaments and just helped out with exhausts. Never really truly tested what the actually smell was after learning about it.

Do you use Buildtak? Some time this guys will given burning smell on high temperature. What the build base temperature use??

the best is exhausted the air :slight_smile:

We were using the original GeckoTek plates I wonder actually if that was it for us. I’ve since replaced them.