I’ve been working on this for weeks and now it’s finally finished!

Read about ABS vs. PLA vs. many, MANY other innovative 3D Printing materials & learn how to choose the right Filament for your next design!

Please let me know what you think and if you miss your favorite filament, so I can add it to the list!




Hey @FrancescoB might be interesting for you :slight_smile:

Thanks Nick, cool stuff !

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Super nice guide!

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Yep, thanks Julie!
And thanks for sharing @NickLievendag, seems a pretty comprehensive guide :slight_smile:

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That’s great! Finally a good overview, thanks for sharing

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Thanks! Learned a lot while writing it myself!

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Thanks! And I just added another one to it based on a comment: FPE (Flexibel PolyEster)

Will read now! Thanks :slight_smile:


This is a nice article. Explains how to Vapor Smoothing 3D Printed Parts in PLA.


Best Regards

Helder L. Santos

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Thanks Helder,

I didn’t even know that was possible.

I’m planning to write a seperate article about Vapor Smoothing and will use these tips in my experiements.



Nice writeup, seems to cover pretty much everything, and the illustrations are good as well. Thanks!

and about smoothing PLA, there is a story about Tetrahydrofuran too that seems to work almost as good as Acetone for ABS does:


Some other stuff i would like to experiment with at one point are fluorinated fluids that have a very specific steam temperature (the same fluids that get used in vapour phase soldering machines). Maybe if dipped just long enough into the right temperature of steam would work too, but it’s probably tricky to find the right process parameters for a given model geometry.