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I’ve wasted so many hours on this now. Here’s the deal…

When I am doing a multicolor print and I merge two or more files together I have a lot of trouble getting them to merge together in the right location. Often I simply have a hole cut out of one file and I desire to fill the hole with a second file, which will be printed with a second material. 99% of the time when I do the “dual extrusion merge” the files merge on top of one another though. Specific example: If I have a cube with a cylinder cut out of it, and a separate file that is a cylinder perfectly sized to slide into the hole, when I try to merge the two together 99% of the time i can’t get the cylinder to go in the hole. It just overlaps with the cube at the corner.

Issue number 2 which is closely related is about the relative z height of different files. If I design two files in cad wherein one file is at a position in which it will rest on TOP of the other file, and then I try to merge the two files together in Cura the result is a mess. Apparently all model files default to “lay flat” on the bed when you load them. Subsequently when you merge the two files they overlap with one another instead one sitting on top of the other.

Anyone have any better luck doing these sorts of things?

I’m running Cura 18.03 on a Mac FYI
