I Recently got a Monoprice select mini v2. I downloaded cura 15.04.2. I then got all of the setting in the user manual and cura to be the same. I tried to print my first print, after the cat test. The printer then started heating up like it was going to start printing, and then it just sat there and did nothing. I also sometimes get the error: No more baudrates to test, and no s…
I cant figure out what that error means or how to fix my entire problem. Does anyone have a solution?
I suggest to give a look to the generated gcode. That release of Cura instructs z movement in the form. 1 o. 2 instead of 0.1 or 0 2. The printer needs 0. or 1. format. If you wait for the first millimeter in height you will see filament extruded starting after 1.0 height. Of course the filament will be extruded i void space missing first millimeter. Solution :use an older Cura version or the last 2.6.x version If you edit your current gcode add a zero before .x in z movement. Where you find. 1 edit in 0.1 and so on for the first millimeter.