Hi - I just got a new MP Maker Select Plus 3D Printer and have been trying to connect it to my MacBook Air (13 inch early 2015) running OSX 10.11.6 via USB.

BUT the USB port isn’t showing up on any of the settings on:

Cura 15.04.06

Ultimaker Cura 3.3.1

Matter Control 1.7.1

It gives me options for all the “bluetooth ports” but no USB port. I’ve tried two different USB 2.0 cables, plugging and unplugging and re-starting the software in various configurations but it’s not showing up.

Machine > Machine Settings > Communications Settings > Serial Port >…Crickets…

I’ve already set the Baud rate to 115200 and tried multiple cords, but nothing seems to be working.

Are there Mac Drivers I’m missing that I should be aware of?

oh - and the SD card that came with the printer shows up on the printer as blank. joy.

Thanks for your Help.