So I recently bought a monoprice mini IIIP (aka Malyan m200 I believe), it worked great at first and haven’t had any issues. Just recently it started to really mess up.

Before printing I preheat, set the correct height (slight above with a sheet of paper), put in a gcode file that I have printed successfully on this printer before. Then when it goes to print it almost immediately every time gets stuck pressing too hard down on the first part and it has actually melted some of the hot plate away.

So figured the nozzle was clogged I tried to unclog it but now no matter what I do it seems to just go straight down and try and melt the hotplate or metal that it hits. It gets stuck in this position, clicking constantly and I have to manually shut off the machine as it won’t respond to anything either. Does anyone have any ideas? Am i not putting it to the correct height every time? Can the gcode files be messed up somehow (I have tried multiple files that have worked previously)? I just am not sure what to do with it now it’s very frustrating and I’m going to have to get a new hot plate sooner or later because it’s ruining this one.

It sounds like you z endstop is broken. You can either replace it or send it back to Monoprice.

Well that would not be good, I will see if I can replace it myself before sending it back and losing the printer for a while