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Sep 2016

Hi all, I’m not sure if this will need to be requested as a feature, but is there anyway you can get a review for services other than printing like scanning or modelling services. It doesn’t seem like you can do this through the order system as models must be uploaded and usually people must pay a minimum price.
Basically I’ve been able to help people out and will soon be doing a large project for a close friend. I’m making the models for them but the only problem is they already have a printer so I’m still helping with my services, but it’s going unnoticed by the site.
Similarly I have helped and in the process of helping people from across seas. This is mostly for offering services for modelling, but it’s more economical if they buy from a local hub, which avoids expensive shipping fees, so again there is nothing like a record or review on the site to show that I’ve worked on modelling projects. This makes it difficult to promote my hub as I’m still classed as a rookie, but I’ve helped other with projects before.
Is there a way to get reviews for doing this or must it be requested as a feature to implement in the future.

Vote up.

I get contacted a lot for design work of late for 3d printing more than 3d print work itself as majority of the time these clients do have their own printers or want to take the final design to a sla or other high def printers. Many of my clients would love to leave a review on 3dhubs and I do think 3dhubs is missing out on the “file creation” aspect of the market by not allowing the customer choose modeling service only.

That’s exactly what I’m getting at. I’m so glad I’m not the only one. The moajoriyu of my work isn’t recorded on the site!

If you are not accepting payment via 3d hubs they will not record the sale or review. If you accept payment through 3d hubs the customer can leave a review. I would have to go back and check though I’m fairly certain I’ve accepted and completed orders with no models attached. They were for extra services such as modeling. Keep in mind 3d hubs is for profit and does things for profit. If you want to accept payment outside of 3d hubs they receive no profit and therefore will not be inclined to manage your reviews or orders. Payment = at least $1

There might be a bug in the system as I cannot accept orders without a model attached.

Alternatively you could add a simple cube or be creative and extrude some text like “modeling services” then just add extra services and set the model price to zero. I do agree. We should be able to sell printers, services, repairs, filament, etc via 3d hubs. Vs just prints.