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I was wondering if someone could do some design work for me. Right now I don’t have the time or patience to figure out how to alter these files, and I’m happy to compensate you for your time if you are able to help me out. I’d like to have one of these 24-pin combs printed, and three 24+8 pin combs. I’d like the combs to be shaped like this: https://www.clockwerkindustries.com/store/HPS-Panel-Mount-Comb-24%2B8-Pi… 1

Here is a good file I found on Thingiverse. (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2596333 5) If you can’t make the angled edges, this design is perfect but I need extra holes for the 24+8 combs.

Please let me know what you think! Thanks!
