Before I begin, I’d like to say that I’m somewhat new to 3d printing and, at times, a complete idiot when it comes to some of this stuff so please bear with me…
So I bought my first 3d printer, the Kossel mini from Micromake, a couple months back and it worked just fine until a month or so ago, BAM! it just stopped working. I went through as many different online tutorials as I could find and eventually came to the conclusion that somehow the motherboard on the printer had been broken. So, I went online and purchased a new motherboard. Installation went fairly seamlessly and pretty soon I was up and running again. However, the printer STILL refused to print. I can call all the servos back to their home positions and move the extruder around a bit, but, when printing, the extruder just sits way above the build platform and doesn’t even extrude any filament. I tried autoleveling it through a command in the gcode and that didn’t work. I’ve looked through (and messed with) almost all the settings on the printer’s screen and cannot find a way to make it happy. Afew weeks back, I sent it in to a local computer repair store to see if they could have a crack at it. While they did manage to find and fix a broken thermistor, they still did not manage to get it completely working again.
I can’t find a link to the motherboard I bought, but it is a Micromake makeboard ramps 1.4 compatible
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If it respond on homing it could be a firmware problem, are bed and extruder temps readed right? Does it warm up? Try tou update firmware via cura.
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