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Sep 2016

I need help choosing a 3d printer. After several hours of research for my price point (under $1700) I came across two printers that look brilliant. The LulzBot Mini Desktop ($1250) and the MendelMax 3 Full Kit Dual Extruder printer ($1690). I am not afraid of DIY printers and actually would love to build one. I have experience building a reprap printer from HE3D whose instructions were written in broken English - luckily I was able to figure it out. I want a quality printer with a decent sized build volume. The lulzbot printer looks amazing however lacks dual extrusion and a large build size. After reading and watching reviews I do not know which to get. The MendelMax is $300 more. Is it worth it to get a bigger build size and dual extrusion with better extruders in exchange for a DIY build and lack of automatic leveling? I am definitely open to other 3d printers, however these two meet my expectations. Which one should I get?

List of what I want:
Quality (100 microns or under)
Printer Build Quality (I like the rollers and aluminum build on the MendelMax)
Print size (Over 200mm on all axis if possible - Lulzbot does not meet this)
Want to print ABS and Exotics
I’m a tinkerer - wouldn’t mind upgrading/DIYing
Cost effective and reliable (my reprap HE3D printer is anything but this)

Cool to have dual extrusion


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    Sep '16
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    Sep '16
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Our LulzBot Mini is built like a tank and does fit within your budget. While the build area is 6 x 6, you’ll be interested to know thought that the build area supports 8" long parts if placed diagonally. In addition to the included one year warranty and support period we also include Cura LulzBot Edition with well-performing slicing profiles for over 30 different filament types, with even more to come. Reach out to our sales department by sending an email to Sales@LulzBot.com if you have more questions!

I have the MendelMax 3 Dual Extruder and I love it. This was my first printer and so my first build. Check out my Hub for pictures of my prints. I also have a Thingiverse profile, search for ‘Greenthunder’. Check with MTW, but although my printer doesn’t have one, I think current kits come with Auto-Bed Leveling now. I have never had a jam with the E3D V6 Hot End’s, although I have only printed with PLA, ABS and PETG, not any of the filled or more exotic materials yet. As far as the Dual heads, I haven’t actually used it that much for dual extrusion prints, but it is nice to be able to have PLA in 1 nozzle and PETG in the other and quickly switch for different prints. I am planning on experimenting with dissolvable support when I have time though. They are very solid printers. Log in to the IRC chat, there is always someone online from MTW if you have any questions.