Hi! I have to print a piece for my EEG headset and the suggested material is NinjaFlex. What kind of material is this?
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NinjaFlex is a brand name rubber-like 3D printing material (TPU if I’m not mistaken). It is very flexible and sometimes hard to print with. It is very flexible, as the name suggests, and is used where a rubber material is desired.
Hope this helps!
Printing with it can be hard or easy dependant upon your set-up. I believe direct drive extruders with the filament as close as you can to the hot end.
Can’t say much more about printing with type of filament as have yet to try my flexible filament from rigid.ink
Here is a good video about printing with flexible filament https://youtu.be/KBbsDQWfrwA?list=PLDJMid0lOOYnRCAdbFfzECor3EbqF8euw