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Apr 2016

Wait… so you have successfully printed with PLA on your replicator 2x??? where are your settings for PLA? my Replicator 2X can’t! as soon as I start a print it might start good, but midway it just stops printing, or skips a layer or two…

Some insight would be awesome, since I haven’t been able to print anything other than ABS with my Replicator 2X… I upgraded the nozzles to a 360 brass base material and plated with TwinClad XT coating… or so the ebay product said… and still no successful print on PLA nor Carbon Fibre… your help would be greatly appreciated

Oh yea. I had that problem the first day I got my

rep 2x haha. For some reason the rep 2x needs oil to print PLA. PLA is a lot more dry so therefore I printed these oil chambers from thingiverse that you slide the PLA into.

Also you would need extra fans to cool the PLA print.

let me find you the links.

Heres the dust filter.

Now from here I would take that sponge and dip it in olive oil. I Know it sounds crazy! I was so scared to do it too. But I gave it a shot and it worked. without it, PLA prints fine the first few prints and then it just starts clicking and jamming. I understand your problem.
The olive oil last a while. Just keep checking when you pull the filament through the filter, it should be slightly oily. You dont need to make it too oily.
For the extra fan,

Order yourself some 40mm fans from amazon.

I dont remember the length of the screws, its been a while. But it should say on thingiverse.

Let me know how things work out! And feel free to ask me anymore questions :slight_smile:

No you don’t need slurry. There are different grades of blue tape.


its like sand paper. You need to get blue tape with a rough surface. Also if you still get curling then I would turn on heated bed to 60. Prevents curles. And also it depends on how much moisture you have in the room. If it’s humid it might curl more.

Not sure how much oil you put but that might also be the problem. My oil chamber has two sections. The top layer is an oiled sponge and the bottom is dried. This way it goes through oil then drys off a bit before printing.

so you placed 2 oil filters just to have one run through a sponge with oil and the other one empty to dry out? that’s clever… but I think I found my problem… I increased my extruding temperature 10 degrees and it seems to be working so far… haven’t tried a more difficult piece but so far so good :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the insights!

No problem. Yea there are so many tiny problems that would cause curling. It’s hard to say. What do you print it. I print at 220 with no problem.

Yeah that’s my temp now… I was printing at 210 before… I didn’t want to go all the way to 230 because it’s not makerbot’s filament (too expensive)…

10 months later

Thanks for the tips. They seem to be working wonderfully. Very Helpful - Kyle