1. How realistic is to ask a printer to make 20-50 small 3x3x3 inch statues for me?
Should be no problem with most hubs.
2. What is a realistic time frame for such an order?
Most hubs have a few printers, and they get spoken for throughout the time of a lengthy set of prints. That is, even if you get in the queue with a big printer farm, they can’t necessarily take their printers offline for a straight week to do just one job. So they will likely prefer to stretch the order out a few days to not lose customers in their supply chain. If you need it in just a few days, you can go to more than one hub, but then your models wont match, as each hub prints differently on different printers.
3. Would this technology and community be the right place to bring this project? Or should I be looking into CNC services or Chinese stone carving?
20-50 3x3x3 models should be no problem at all, and this is what 3d printing does best. Short runs of models. When you get to looking at 100s of them, then you should look at injection molding or some other means.
4. Would it be realistic to ask printers for discounts on big (20-50 statue) orders?
Yes. While each print is its own print, so there is little declining rate of costs on volume as there is with injection molding, for example, the hub should discount a large order because sales costs are less on a large order of many prints as opposed to many different orders. However, see #2 above, if your order does not create opportunity losses of other business, then they should offer a discount.
5. Is there a source of information on 3D Printing I can read so I can better communicate to my printers what I want?
Create an enquiry or 2 (contact hubs) and see if they communicate well with you about your needs. They can teach you as you go, make sure they establish credibility with you and you trust them. Most of my job is educating the consumer on how to proceed. The 3d printer is just a robot after that. This is a great link What is 3D printing? How does 3D printing work? | Hubs.
6. What are the biggest mistakes or frustrations customers cause for printers?
Just like any business transaction, communication is the key. Good open communications, teaching and learning about each others needs, and correct and complete expectations will keep frustrations away.