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Feb 2015

I’m using Simplify3D on my stock firmware Da Vinci 1.0a and I’m still trying to get a decent Marvin out of it.

I’m printing in ABS, the print sticks perfectly to the heated bed, but my biggest problem is curling on overhangs.

What are your settings? I’m working on temperature and speed, but I still haven’t found a combination that fully satisfies me!

  • created

    Feb '15
  • last reply

    Feb '15
  • 5


  • 714


  • 4


You should keep the bed temperature high (I keep it at 60 degrees on my Bad Printer).
You can also try with an Hair Spray with acetonic additive like 3DLac

I’m keeping my bed at 100°C and it sticks perfectly without using any glue, the problem is on overhangs, specially on marvin’s ears

Do you have a picture of what the bad marvin’s turned out like? And more specific slicer settings that come with simplify3D and the Da Vinci set up?

Thanks for your reply Alex.

Here are a few pictures.

For this particular print the settings were:


Nozzle 0.4mm

Extrusion width 0.4mm

Extr. multiplier 1

Retraction distance 2mm


Layer height 0.2mm

3 outline shells

3 bottom layers

3 top layers

10% infill (too little, you can see the holes on top)

extruder temp 215°C

bed temp 110°C


default print speed 1100mm/min

outline underspeed 70%

solid infill underspeed 75%

adjust speed for layers below 20sec down to 15%

It looks like it needs more material. Change whatever setting adds material. Also the material seems to be sagging. That may mean that the material does not cool before the next layer is added. A trick is to print 2 of them about 70mm apart. Keep the travel speed down. The part will cool as the head moves to the other copy and prints a layer or two there.