It is pretty easy! especially when you have a 3D printer at your home or a Hub next to you 
1) Get a Tinkerplay app for your smartphone and design a robot - it takes up to 10 minutes to do it depending on how creative you want to get. Here’s my design :
2) Click print and the software separates the different color parts (all of which are 3D print ready) on the different buildplates and lets you 3D print them on one of our Hubs or download it directly
I have trusted the magic of BeeTheFirst printer to make these parts a reality and here you go!
My mistake was to put a raft on the blue parts as you can see, because actually it wasn’t necessary and it was a pain to remove them 
3) Get the parts together and make a Robot! My design was a bit unusual - creativity knows no boundaries! and you can design whatever your definition of a robot is ^^
Some parts didn’t work quite as I intended so I left them out and it still came out as a badass vehicle of horror!
So get your Tinkerplay apps and warm up your nozzles!
Have your tried it already? Share some of your designs 
Wow that’s pretty cool and monstrous at the same time! Good job Arnold
took the words right out of my mouth! awesome print @derKarsten
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Another good one, Arnoldas!