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May 2017

In the new firmware looks like when you start a print or try to change the filament, the first thing happens is that the extruder feeds the filament at max speed for a few seconds (to push the nozzle down I think) and then starts to heat up. This puts too much load on the motor and drains too much current, maybe that’s why, probably fried all your components and wires. Specially when you have the tough one, older extruders just chip off the filament, yours probably was more resisting to feed the filament trough a cold nozzle.

Yea the new Pre move is horrible… I ended up turning on the unload setting after each print just to avoid the horror of that noise!!

Thanks for the heads up. Ill hold off updating to the latest firmware for now.

I would - The new “pre-feed” moment that shahramrobotics describes is horrible and it sounds like it will break your machine every time.

I’ve had no official word back from MB but if I do hear anything I’ll let you know!

I have 2 fifth gen replicators and one replicator plus. 2.5 does a cold extrusion at the start of every print. It will cause jams by for sure! If you don’t want to downgrade you can change the makerbot’s settings to autounload after each print.

wow. that is kind of weird… unrelated, but on a similar vein… I tried to run the new makerbot software, makerbot PRINT, and it would not even recognize my replicator 2 printers on USB… sigh…luckily I was able to reinstall the old makerbot desktop and am back up and running. Probably won’t be buying another makerbot though.

I think They disabled USB support on Print for a while - if memory serves it was only the most recent version of print that brought it back!

14 days later

a .makerbot is just a zip archive that contains the gcode, text file and the thumbnails.

hey mate,
more than happy to share the s3d profile for my mb z18, I’ll flick you an email and help you get it sorted.