Hi all,
I’m using Makerbot Desktop Beta v.
Dual extruder makerbot clone but only printing using one extruder and PLA.
When I print, the actual extruder head moves faster when printing support material than when printing model material. Its moving too fast, and I don’t always get good support material adhesion. Model material adhesion is fine on the same layer because the physical extruder head travels slower.
Is there a way to slow down how fast the extruder head travels during support extrusion?
Thanks for all the help!
Have you tried downloading prof tweaks fro mnothign labs and adjusting the speeds for the support material? You can adjust the speeds for about 6 different things like rafts etc. I dont know much about it as i’m quite new to this but its possible through proftweaks.
January 21, 2016, 3:09pm
Im having the same problem. Did you find a solution? I think the software Richard_Blackwe suggested was created for earlier versions of makerbot Desktop i.e Makerware because settings were limited at the time. I dont think it has an entry for support speeds.
The solution is to upgrade to Makerware 3.8 - this gives you control over all of the speeds in the settings area. I found this out since writing my oringial reply. Also, if you are using the PLA that came with the CTC, you need to use a temp of 222c
January 26, 2016, 4:20pm
I am currently using makerbot desktop 3.8. However there is no entry for setting support speeds? I am looking under Settings > Extrusion speeds. All I see are bridges,first layer, first layer rafts, infill, insets, outlines, raft and raft base but nothing for supports. I might be missing something. Let me know! Thanks!
actually I have noticed in mine, that setting every speed to 10mm/s doesnt change the actual speed in my CTC, it still printes at 30-40mm/s , noticed this with replicatorG at 10/s that is really slow, ithink I will try older software versions