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Dec 2015


Well the opinions on the M3D are quite diverse if you read the forums.

I’m having a very good time printing all kind of things with it and results are pretty good. From Colorfabb wood, ABS to PLA it does all work, but there is some calibration needed. (printed a full set of chess pieces, a digital sundial and alot of toys and testprints or stuff for the printer itself)

It is a printer that says its all for beginners, but printing out-of-the box is not aways the case. (you do need to put some time in it to understand 3d printing, but for me there is the fun)

Had to pay 80 euros for it to ship to the Netherlands.

After about half a year i might be looking for a bigger printer though, but it is great to learn the basics!

I doubt that you would have much luck with Ninja Flex but yes, you can use filament other than M3D’s. I’ve used RigidInk PLA and Colorfabb PLA, and it’s fine with the Micro. I’ve moved on to a Kossel Mini now but the Micro worked well for me – it’s just very slow, with a very limited print volume and no heated bed, but great value for money.

I have one and it’s a great printer for beginners!

M3D company only offer 3 months warranty unless you pay for more time (i know, i know, we are supposed to have 2 years according to law in EU but could be a fight to claim that.).

Anyway if you have bad luck and get troubles you could be told to send the printer back so be aware of shipping cost.

Must say that myself don´t find any hardware problems with it.