Nicely put – I couldn’t agree more. Mine served me very well – it bootstrapped me into the world of 3D printing and I still have a lot of affection for it. It’s a neat little beast, especially for the money, and a great introduction to 3D printing.
Ok. I’ll chime in and try without using the word “good” or “bad”. I’m a backer and got it March this year with zero knowledge of 3d printing. I have since moved on to prusa i3 which I built from kit. Now my M3D is collecting dust displayed prominently in my shelf where I put all my tools and spare part to maintain the i3. My M3D can still print. Slow but it gets the job done quietly with questionable accuracy. I’m mostly confused with this little machine when it comes to improvement / maintenance, I don’t know if the problem I’m facing is software or hardware… And so it has become an unenjoyable experience for me to try to get the machine to produce print that is correct in dimension ands free of artifact. I can’t say M3D is open source. Well if they are, it certainly doesn’t feel like it I think I have enjoyed building the i3 better than tinkering with M3D. I didn’t regret buying the M3D, I just simply need to move on to another machine that is more reliable Stephen
Any of you guys heard about the hello beprusa from beeverycreative? Is it any good for beginners? It has a good price and seems to be full of features.
Well, I´m a kickstarter backer and have mine since this summer. For me was the first step in 3D printing world.
And althoug i´m happy enough with mine (you could see in my hub the quality of the prints) i would not recommend it to anyone until M3D company releases an official versión of their software that is not a Beta.
I read a lot of troubles in the M3D forum from other backers and suffer some of them on my on ( y shifting, prints not sticking to the bed, print unseparable from the raft, calibration issues, and others…)
So in my opinion, could be a lottery get good prints (or a single print) from this printer, unless you don´t mind to play with it and spend a few days until you find:
A: Correct manual calibratión, and B: The versión of the Beta software (are a lot of them) that works for you.
Hi Where do you live exactly?
In Portugal
Hi Jose,
Just an advice to be careful with the opinions shared all over the web about any printer, and put them into context. It’s all a matter of what you expect from a printer and how you intend to use it.
I personally use The Micro on a regular basis and also have a larger A4 printer available. However it’s hard to compare both and rate them as ‘bad’ and ‘good’. For example, the need for repairs, nozzle replacement, maintenance cost… was much higher with the larger printer in the last year. The Micro has proven to be a reliable printer for me and caused me less frustration.
Anyway if you are interested to buy a Micro from within Europe, just send me a mail. I don’t want to use this forum for publicity so I prefer to have a personal communication about this and tell you what you need to know.
Ok? E-mail: muyllefrederik[at]
M3D company only offer 3 months warranty unless you pay for more time (i know, i know, we are supposed to have 2 years according to law in EU but could be a fight to claim that.).
Anyway if you have bad luck and get troubles you could be told to send the printer back so be aware of shipping cost.
Must say that myself don´t find any hardware problems with it.