I have bought a new zortrax this moth. I start printing with Z-ABS white. There were some burning marks on the finished print. With other colors it is fine.

Then I read on the Owner Reviews: “and last, from some people quality down since last upgrade (8.0)”.

Does this mean the Hardware upgrade to the hot-end v2 or the new firmware 1.0? On my Zortrax there were the 1.0 preinstalled.

So I ask, someone else have print quality issues?

Well, I downgrade my Zortrax m200 to firmware 0.8 and use Z-Suite 1.3.0. Just the normal firmware upgrade procedure, but put the update.bin from the Firmware 0.8 on the sd-cart. I made some tests now with this firmware and will report if it has some effects on the print quality.

Yes i too had the same issue.

I have made tests with the firmware 0.8. In the picture you can see left the object the elf hut printed with firmware 0.8 and right the knop printed with firmware 1.0. The firmware have retraction issues and because of that ooze.

I go with the 0.8 firmware!

I had the same problem. Random burned spot.

For me it was enough to upgrate the firmware (v1.0).

Please keep us posted on your test.

I made a firmware update to 1.0.1 and I must say since that the zortrax is printing very good job again.