We’ve been trying to reassemble the Ultimaker after fixing it, but couldn’t find the allen key to tighten everything back. We’ve got the set of new ones from a regular store, but there wasn’t anything that fit the screes.
All of them are either too big or too small. It seems that Ultimaker has very specific ones. And they don’t sell them either. Anyone has been in the situation?
If you’re in the US, you probably didn’t get the right size allen keys. Ultimaker is from the UK, so their allen keys are going to be metric. In the tutorial, they mention the right size metric allen keys for you to use before each section. Just gather up all the sizes from each section and bring them to a hardware store and tell them you need metric allen keys. They should be able to help you with that.
Yep-- they’re metric, not SAE. Most of them are 1.5mm & 2mm, with the really tiny ones at 1mm. If your local big-box hardware store doesn’t have a set with the smaller sizes, check a local RC hobby shop or (much cheaper): http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00I5TH074 3
I think it is very likely that you purchased SAE Allen wrenches rather than metric Allen wrenches. If you get the metric ones you should have no more problems. Please let me know if you have anymore questions
Wow guys, thanks for such great response! we actually bought them in Amsterdam so its pretty silly that they don’t have something fitting. The one I have here seems to fit well, but its like a tiny bit too loose… I am afraid that the part itself might be worn out or something