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21 / 24
Jan 2016

Hi I am From Belfast, Ireland but have an apartment in Amsterdam which I will be visiting soon as I need to move apartments :frowning: I use 2.85 mm filament.

Hi, I’m in Brussels and I have an Ultimaker 2 (2.85mm). I will be happy to test.

Thanks and Happy New Year 2013 !


Hi 3Dprintingguy :),

Thanks for the comment! We’ll be testing in NL first but will expand internationally over the next few months. Would you be open to setting up a Skype talk so we can ask you some questions in the meantime?



Hi Gauthier,

Thanks! We’ll add you to the list. Would you also be open to setting up a Skype session, really interested to hear what you are doing with filaments.directory!



Hi Earmon,

Thanks! Will add you to the Dutchies test list if that’s okay :)?



P.S At what email can I reach you on to set up the testing

Thanks for the kind words! I’ll put you on the list for international testers, what email can I reach you on?

Hi Macey,

Thanks!! I’ll put you on the list for international testers. What email can I best reach you on?


Hi Albert,

That would be great. I’ll let you know once the filament is ready and will get some to you! Would it be possible to schedule a Skype talk before that, would love to hear your experience on using PETg!



10 days later

Hi Jasper,

Altijd bereid om tests te doen indien de filament beschikbaar is.

Ik gebruik een Cel Robox 3D printer. ∅1.75


10 days later

Hoi Eloy,

Bedankt voor het aanbod! Zou het mogelijk zijn om een korte Skype call in te plannen zodat we je wat vragen kunnen stellen?

