Looking to make a mold, I have a sketch with exact sizes of what needs to be done, it just needs to be modeled. Please message me for more details so we can discuss in more detail. Thanks
Happy to take a look at what you have. I use solidworks which can turn a 2d dimensioned sketch into a 3d model ready for printing.
Do you have a business email or something I could message you on? I thought you were able to message directly on this site, but apparently not.
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August 28, 2018, 6:14am
Hi there, we can do this for you. if you send an email to peter@omd3d.com with the sketch we an discuss it.
Kind regards, Peter
Hi Mr Bones
I may be able to help aswell! Happy to discuss with you if you’d like to email the sketch.
Best regards
Hi There,
My email is dave@3dprintzhub.com
Best Regards