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Jan 2015

Hi guys,

I’m currently looking for someone who’s able to make a 3d design of a new product idea. I’ve write the idea out on paper and in my opinion it’s very clear what it has to look like and how it functions. I’m looking for someone in the Netherlands, close to The Hague or at least in the ‘Randstad’ who can make a 3D design from my idea and ideally actually print in too.

I’d like to hear from you guys if this is even possible without having a 2d design on paper, just the idea written out in words.


  • created

    Jan '15
  • last reply

    Jan '15
  • 4


  • 1.1k


  • 3



Geen probleem ik woon in de buurt van Zaandam. Ik heb vaker van tekening een 3D model gemaakt en geprint

Ik wil ook een NDA tekenen voor geheimhouding. Je kunt mij mailen op printyourpart@gmail.com.

