John,looks like a problem in the motherboard, did you post a ticket on the support page of leapfrog?

Yes I did and then they posted that it was resolved and they never responded so I opened a new ticket and still haven’t gotten a response

What are the support ticketnumbers, John

#152872 #152674

Ok , ik zal even een mailtje sturen naar support, John


I will mail support , to look into it, John

Thanks I think some of the problem is they want one ticket for all the problems not for each one

Preferably, but if occuring one at a time you cannot avoid having multiple tickets,

They are going to be sending me a new board. I stayed up till midnight my time so that I could speak to them on the phone

Ok,good luck with the board

John where are you located?

And don’t forget to number the connectors and make a photo of it. I once changed two and after a session with support it was fixed

southern california usa

John ,good luck and hope it will arrive soon!

John already in working order with the new motherboard?

Nope not yet still waiting

ok also no sign of being send?

No none

thxks i will give them an email

Hi John,

I’ve had a similar experience with Leapfrog. In short, the machine has never worked from the beginning. The customer support has been almost non-existent. It’s literally one of the worst customer service experiences that I’ve ever had in my life. Now I’m stuck with $6,000 machine that is basically worthless.

Feel free to inquire if you’d like to know the details. Please spread the word that this company is a fraud.