I am having an issue with my X-axis being out of wack, it is making what’s meant to be a straight print come out angled due to each layer being offset a bit from the last… so i printer an empty cylinder 15mm round just to see whats going on and it printed normal except the base seemed to be just a little off from the rest of the print but not too much that its noticeable… i then retried the original print and yep problem is still there… my printer is a CTC replicater dual head copy. it was all working fine up until i had the dreaded x-axis cable problem that stopped my x-axis stepper motor working and also stopped the limit switch working so i fixed that by just chopping out the affected part of the cable all works good except this new issue … any ideas whats going on?
Mmmh, thats truly a little bit strange.
Ok a round cylinder is a very continuously, smooth movement on both axis, where the rectangle style objects have some abrupt movements.
Maybe it could be:
-loose build plate
-lose z-axis linear slide
-loose toothed belt
-toothed belt has uneven tense on front/back of the print head
-axis movement is too stiff (losing steps)
-print speed to fast (losing steps)
Check your x axis belt tension
I am having the same issue. All my prints are just slightly leaning to the left. I dont believe it is mechanical as I have checked all the workings several times. I have upgraded the firmware and am now using Sailfish but still with the same problem.
I can not find any movement there should’nt be or anything else. Pulling my hair out now with this…
Sounds like you have shifting layer issue, here a great guide to help solve the problem; even if you are not using simplify 3D you should be able to apply the setting to slicing software you are using.
just an update, i have since pretty much redone every belt and pully and am still having the same problem, i even drop the print speed down on the lcd for the printer to 80% and still have the issue, the bed isnt the problem either as that has been checked also, im lost for words on this one… im gunna check the link now that was posted above and have a read, thanks
update on this problem, i have pulled apart and tightened the x-axis belt again, pully gear is also tight on motor, print speed has no change on print (i dont print fast anyway so that shouldn’t be part of the problem) i have cleaned the x-axis bars that the extruder slides along incase build up of hairspray was an issue,
problem is still there, i just dont know what the issue can be, im at the point now where im putting it down to an electrical issue, and if thats the case i just dont know how to fix it
looks like i now have a huge paperweight as the printer is unusable now,
did u find a fix at all mate?
would anyone know where i can buy new wires to run to the x-axis motor?