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Feb 2016

Another strategy could be playing with bed temperature. Try setting it to 120C for ABS.

10 days later

What repeiter version do you use for a 2.0a. .92 only works for the old one

I use .92. I don’t think I have a 2.0a but I forget. I bought it a little more than a year ago. I have 2 cooling fans

The blue model is 2.0a. Did you follow any video in particular? I have heard the boards are different between the old and new 2.0

I wish I had saved the walk through I used. It wasn’t a video I just googled “davinci duo repeteir firmware” or something like that. Sorry I can’t be more specific.

The short version of it was you short out a jumper on the board in the back (J23 I think) to wipe the firmware. I got the Repetier .92 build from a git hub repo. I used the Arduino IDE to upload the new firmware to the printer. I guess the printer is basicaly run by an arduino because thats what shows up when there isn’t any firmware running.

Hmmm, I have seen blogs and stuff that talks about flashing but I read in a a couple places that the 2.0a board has to be shorted on a different jumper than the original