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Apr 2015

Looking for a larger volume 3d printer. The build volume is 410mm x 410mm x 115 mm in height. A conical shroud. Most 3d printers are very limited in size output


  • created

    Apr '15
  • last reply

    May '15
  • 16


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  • 10


Hi !

I am not living in Los Angeles and my printer not completely fits your part but i could divide in three pieces .Depending on the material you want it is very easy to glue these parts together, if you want ABS it would be possible to “melt” the part together by dissolving the edges with some acetone, this is also commonly used to make stronger abs prints, because the layers get bonded together.


That’s a big shroud what kind of materal because I don’t have a heated bed.

can you send a 3d print of it?

I am in the LA area but would have to slice into two pieces and glue them together.

Afternoon Jake,
I made a molded proto-type out of silicone Rubber, not cost effective though.
Looking for a plyable material such as nylon, for most PLA are harder and if struck can become sharp shards
Its conical and hollow in the center
I’m flexible on materials. The key ingredient is they are not rigid hard. Also a material that can be colored is needed

If you think you can print a 410mm conical shroud let me know. The inside cavity does not have material. The vanes that make up the shroud are 1/8" wide by 3/8" long and are spaced with a 1/2" open span between them creating a grid

If you have capabilities let me know. I can send you a jpg now and STL with all dimensions if you can accomplish the work

thanks for getting back to me

Thanks but i’m looking for a single seamless unit. I’d thought of a notched fit but then it requires assembly thus raising unit costs

1 month later

Please stop spamming your advertisement for your 3d printer in threads, where noone asks for a new printer. In this case the thread creator is looking for price estimations for his project. Cheers, Marius Breuer