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Jan 2016

Hi folks,

I have some overhangs issues with my K8400.

I am trying to improve the quality and tried to add a fan duct to the printer.

The photo is not that good, but as you can see, I printed two double sized Marvins in order to compare. On the photo, it looks like the one on the left has burnt filament which is just a photo artefact.

The one on the left has been printed without the duct. The one on the right has been printed with it. It’s better but far to be compared with my Replicator 2.

I print using colorFabb PLA / PHA at 195°C and 4200mm/min. Layer height is 0.2mm.

I really would appreciate if someone could help me to find a solution.

Have a great… print!

Hi. I olso have te vertex K8400 and i have printed the same fan duct as you. I have still the default settings of the printer and i have just played a bit with the layer height until i had a nice result. 210°C, 4800mm/min.

If there is anyone else with better results i want to know to becaus i would like to have better results to.

But at this point i am happy with my prints.

I use a Dremel versatip blowtorch to ‘improve’ overhang issues on my K8400. There is overhang in the end, I’m not so sure it can be that much better. Your Replicator 2 is that much better? I would expect you need ABS filament to improve it a lot.

Could you please explain / give a photo on how you use the versatip? The result with the Replicator 2 is, in fact, much better. I’ll post a photo later.

One of the extensions is a heat gun. So you heat the plastic, which will make small extensions and defects (eg white colourations on a colour print) to just melt away. Larger errors like overhang can be heated so that a rub with your (wet) finger smoothens it.

Obviously, you need some experience. As a test, you can use a gas fire (eg your cooking fire) to see what heat does with a PLA print. Correcting above a gas fire is very difficult however, you will overheat easily and then it drools and your print is destroyed.

Here, my goal is to improve the print, not find a post processing way to avoid misprints. However, thanks.