G’day guys,
My K8200 has struck a problem, was printing fine. I connected the next time and the head bed was not showing up, nor was ambient temp reading from the hotend, and when trying to heat the hotend up it would fail after a few degree rise in temp, the motors were also no finding home correctly. There was also no signal being sent to the LCD screen/SD card control. I figured that this might be a board issue so I ordered a RAMPS 1.4, swapped everything over and tried again only to experience the exact same drama… I was suggested to me that it might have been a power supply problem, so I changed that out with no result. I have also checked all connections, wires etc to see if anything has come loose or been broken somehow, nothing there either…
Now I am really lost as to what is wrong and how to fix, any help would be amazing.
Hey there!
It sounds like something is shorted to ground somewhere. I’d do a complete inspection for frayed wires, or maybe try disconnecting 1 stepper at a time to see if one of them is shorted internally.
Cheers for the reply mate, I have had a pretty solid look, but I will have another tear down on it, I must have missed something, I just want to print again…