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22 / 29
Mar 2017

Hey edreesen,

Your temperature looks to be 220.5C which is pretty high for PLA, I would first try dropping the temp by 10C increments to see if it improves things, you probably don’t want to go below 180/190C though.

Hope that helps!

Jack - 3D Hubs

Hello Eike,

You can also adjust the print speed, my experience and what I read online is that a lower print speed makes better prints.

Good luck.


As most of the guys are saying, your Nozzle temperature is a bit on the high side, if your using a standard brass nozzle you should be at about 200-205’C if your using a Ruby Nozzle, add about 5’C.

slow the print speed down a little, 40-45mm/s.

it also looks like you are using the std fan duct, as you have uneven cooling on the two sides, noticeable about the ears and the eyes, several of us have designed improved ducts that improve the cooling fan flow balancing it to both sides, check them out on YouMagine and give them a try. This should help with the uneven cooling, although as some are very effective you will need to reduce the fan speed a little, ?

The top loop is a cooling problem, too much heat and dwell time can cause problems, but yours isn’t too bad, I’ve see worse.

you could always create a small file to play with the top and the loop that only takes 5 minutes to print and then play with the settings as swordriff mentioned.

good luck, Izzy

My experience is completely different about Cura vs. Simplify 3D quality of prints. Probably because you always need to make perfect fit settings to object


Pour moi la température est trop élevée

Température : 195°C voir 200 °C

Vitesse d’impression 50 mm/s

Ventilation : 100%


I agree - lower your nozzle temp. But if you do that, change you fan speed to 55-60% and have the fan turn on after 4

mm. This calibration has given me great success