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29 / 29
Mar 2017


Pour moi la température est trop élevée

Température : 195°C voir 200 °C

Vitesse d’impression 50 mm/s

Ventilation : 100%


I agree - lower your nozzle temp. But if you do that, change you fan speed to 55-60% and have the fan turn on after 4

mm. This calibration has given me great success

What I’ve found is that Cura oftentimes simply ignores some surface details when it reads an .stl file. That is my biggest gripe with the software. For ease of use, sure it’s good, but it tends to get hung when manipulating large objects, as it tries to constantly slice rather than allow one to change the object orientation and adjust all your supports etc and only then slice the final piece.

I would recommend the following:

- To high print temperature for your filament, try 190-200°C

- layer height should be ok with 0.1 - but it looks like 0.4

- extruder width 0.48? are you sure?

- infill with 20% should be allright (lower)

- raise bed from 50 to 60°

I would try to print it with Cura 2.3.1. I had bad results with simplify3d and my ultimakers. On the other hand it works nice on my prusas.


We would recommend turning off coasting and also turning off wipe at end.

lower your retraction speed to around 1600. But first turn off retraction and then keep testing and turning your retraction up by 0.02 until you get it right - this is linked closely with the extruder temperature you should be able to find the ratio between them it just takes time. There is also a setting that says avoid outline, set this up so you minimise how often the print head needs to cross the outline.

kind regards,



extruderWidth,0.48 Do you have a special nozzle? Normally the value is 0.4.

I believe it’s what the standard S3D profile gives when you input .40 for the nozzle diameter and have the automatic multiplier selected. It looks fine to me.

I printed mine on normal quality, nozzle 0.4 infill 20%, I can’t remember the rest of the settings using cura 2.04, rigid ink pla and it came out fine, I think I still have the photos on my hub, check them out