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Dec 2015

I mean a mutual feedback or review will make the printing service easier for both hubs and clients.

Not that I’ve seen. The client does get a “Completed Orders” tally though!

Yeah, I agree. I’ve had several recent clients submit orders, but then demand it be cancelled after I reviewed the model and accepted.

It would be nice to be able to reflect this some how in their profile so others don’t get burned.

I also think 3D hubs needs to change their order process. I’ve had several people think the “Get a Quote” button is actually a quote button (big surprise!), and not a “buy” button. Seems like they are submitting to several hubs to get “quotes” then cancelling all but the cheapest. There is no way for the customer to cancel the order after a hub has accepted and no way for the hub to cancel. It’s been very frustrating.

Hi guys! Fair question. Indeed, we don’t have this yet. Been on the backlog for some time. I do expect we will implement sooner or later but it probably comes with an update of the full review system. I’ll keep you posted on that. Cheers, Filemon

Yikes. I wouldn’t want people tagging customers with ‘bad’ labels. Customers have bad days. Sometimes they take it out on people. I don’t think this is a great idea. I also think the media could pick this up and have a hayday with it.

But I also assume it could be good, like keeping track of which design tools they use, preferences.

I would just be careful…

I could imagine it being used for good, like eBay feedback. In the unlikely scenario that there’s a known problem customer, I think I’d like to know at the start. That said, 3D Hubs already does a pretty good job of protecting both sides from difficult scenarios - the payment process is probably the best example of that, along with the fact each order has an admin dedicated to it throughout its lifetime. A difficult balance to strike if this one goes ahead…

hmm… have to disagree a bit, without this idea how will a hub know that the potential client is one of those that just places a lot of orders and runaway from all but the one that suits them that day?

if i could see a % of orders placed AND completed that is to low for my liking i would not risk accepting but rather decline.

Of course as soon i have accepted i know i get paid, but this is now at the risk of getting a VERY bad feedback rating just because it did not suit the client

there is a basic system atm, red means canceled, middle is current and the right circle is completed