I cannot get the robo, I already have it, terrible support.If I return it, do you guys know of a great/good printer that had auto bed leveling, 10*9*8 inches in build volume, open source, around the same amount of filament options?
ROBO sucks. I have one. The new ones print awesome, however they have hardware and design issues. The two z offset switches have to be working perfectly, and are in constant need of adjustment. Eventually the system just stops working all together. On top of that I have had crazy and random electrical issues. The machine lacks quality engineering.
If you don’t mind putting together a kit, there is a new prsua i3 out that is suppose to be pretty good.
([New Arrival] HICTOP Filament Monitor Desktop 3D Printer Kits Reprap Prusa I3 MK8 DIY Self-assembly Printing size 10.6" x 8.3" x 7.7")
It’s 335 bucks, so it’s much less expensive than the robo, though it lacks a few of its features. It has about the same build volume. You can pay extra (I think maybe $60) and get an auto leveler with it, though I would just stick with a bed leveling system. It also has an aluminum bed rather than glass. Either way, I would pay 800 dollars for that printer, before I ever dropped 800 on another robo product. I am going to pick one up myself here soon. Here’s a link to where you can grab one on amazon.
I have a robo 3d R1 with a bunch of upgrades and it runs like a champ. However I also have a wanhao D6 stock and its really good. I’d recommend the D6 if you want something that is hands off and just runs. its 200x200x180 though. Alternatively I have heard really really good things about the new prusa i3 but I have no personal experience.
It’s the next iteration of the design Robo3D did a terrible job imitating anyway, for the same price as the Robo3D. Also, it’s the original designer everyone else is copying for this style of 3d printer so you’re better off with better support anyway.
Their support is generally awesome, however, they can’t fix everything, nor can they diagnose all issues. Just since my machine has been out of warrantee , I have had to replace the z steppers, AND lead screws (since they are one piece on the robo)
I have had to replace 2 stepper drivers, (for the z steppers and x stepper)
A block heating element, (the leads broke, from constantly crashing into the vertical support)
Before, when my machine WAS in warrantee I had to replace the entire machine all together. What was happning was the machines temp readings were off by about 50 degrees C. PLA had to be printed at 250, and I really couldn’t use many other plastics because the firmware regulates temp, however when I went to edit the machines temp limits, the readings just got further off.
Currently I can’t even get my printer to print on the bed, because the stupid ass z end stop switches wont trigger simultaneously at each probe position, no matter how much I adjust, OR even how much I lower my z offset.
On top of that, these machines require such a finite level of accuracy and the damn vertical support rods aren’t even held tight at the top of the printer. They have way to much play, meaning tall parts have to be printed ungodly slow.
The printer sucks and they are banned me from support a week ago, had it for 5 months. Could not use it for 6 weeks. I have the R1 Plus and not the Reburbished R1 Plus.
there are many cartesian printers out there (that means box setup like the robot 3d is) go on eBay, the only thing is you’ll have to mess with the firmware a bit to get some good consistent prints. I myself just built a rostock kossel printer from a kit i bought on dhgate. you can do the same if your interested. Some advice, youtube the printer before you buy it!