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Dec 2016

Ah ok so you mean on the boards directly themselves. I’ll have to check and see if this is the case. Would this be something that another issue could cause to go bad? (high voltage/current etc.) or just something that would be a defect sent straight from the factory itself?

Do you live in an area with a high humidity? Poor soldering practices (I could go on for many paragraphs on what that could be - I used to teach soldering including the physics behind it), humidity and vibration can combine to cause poor connection and/or intermittent issues. @wirlybird may have hit on something here.

Sometimes (most times) reflowing the solder will fix these problems.Make sure to clean up any flux on the board afterwards. Flux + humidity = conductive path (sometimes).

I had suspected humidity as a possible cause for a while actually. The printers are out in my garage, and for most of the summer it was quite humid (I was constantly battling moisture in my filaments). If this were the cause, what should I look for to diagnose it? Also I have to admit, I ran out of my good solder and the new stuff can be quite nasty… leaving a lot of flux and residual gunk on the joints and around them

You might have to be careful about that. Having two different fluxes can cause corrosion issues. Especially when exposed to humidity. Make sure you clean off any left-over flux.

For previous flux/humidity issues, look for white powder/streaks on the board and especially around soldered points. Old solder that is corroding will be very dull grey. New solder should be shiny. If you see dark lines around where the solder meets metal, it is either left over flux (will be easily removed) or galvanic corrosion - the humidity got between the solder and the metal - can be caused by poor soldering with vibration opening a path for the moisture. Especially check where connectors join boards - these often have vibration issues.

Well, that’s some of what to look for anyway. I hope you get your problems sorted out.

I am having I think the same issue.

My extruder started stuttering and acting clogged. Check volt settings all good there. New nozzle didn’t do anything. New extruder motor, hot end the entire thing just to start fresh. Still nope. So today I swap the cables from the X to the extruder and eureka! it worked… only for just a few moments then then stopped. So I swap the stepper driver board and it worked… once again for just a moment. In fact I noticed that all of the steppers are not always working. very intermittent. If I turn the machine off and let it sit I come back and test it may or may not work. Sometimes it will work great all axis’s will move sadly, mostly not.

So perhaps a new motherboard? Or?

Thanks for letting me jump on board!

I have a CTC 4880 unit for reference.

I personally have not, not sure about rover. I do have a new motherboard on the way though so if when I replace it all symptoms go away then I’ll assume it was indeed the motherboard.

No I have not. I did try a new cable set with no effect. New stepper drivers are on the way and will try those out if that does not work new board then.

What board did you order? There are several different ones to choose from. I am leaning to a GT2560.

Thanks for keeping this thread going!