Hi, I have recently made a print for a customer and he is requesting an invoice now after a few days of delivery. I don’t have a VAT number and I know with this you can make an official invoice. Is there a way to generate an invoice anyway? even if its directly from 3d Hubs? Or what option could I offer my customer?


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I have the same problem, did you get any info about this?

Hi Dani, I got this answer from Gabriela Nicolae from 3D Hubs:

“According to our system, since you’re the one providing the services, you need to provide your customer an invoice as well. 3D Hubs is merely an intermediary at this point, so we cannot provide any official invoice or receipt. We can provide however an unofficial receipt, available here: https://www.3dhubs.com/order/4491376/receipt

She also shared this link: https://www.3dhubs.com/knowledge-base/finance

So all in all, I couldn’t provide my customer with an invoice. It actually states in your hub whether or not you can provide an invoice. Good luck, I hope this helps.

Best regards,

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thanks for the info!

I cannot access that page but I will try to contact directly Gabriela and ask her if I can that template.

I know I had to specify whether I could provide an invoice (and I wrote that I 'can’t ') but my customer was not aware of that :slight_smile:

thanks again!