March 12, 2016, 12:55am
New bug…
Images no longer have associated linked (thingiverse etc) they -did- have them earlier today
I would agree with this too, the order isn’t completed until 3D Hubs have paid out to the hubs. The status could just read “Paid Out” or similar.
Also wouldn’t now be the ideal time to add a column to show if the client has left a review? It could be a simple tick (check) or cross so we can see at a a glance.
March 12, 2016, 9:41am
I have just seen this behaviour and absolutely agree. In fact 3D Hubs own definition of completed orders is “The total number of completed and paid out orders”, so this new behaviour is not consistent with the definition of that list.
It’s definitely better, but I’m still seeing postcode before city. The flat/building number and house/street are in the correct order/place though.
Good points! The good thing about the new architecture is that these kind of additions have become quite a bit easier to do. I’ll put both points on the list to review:
Add status when Hubs are awaiting payouts
Add indicator in Order Overview whether customer left a review or not
Hi guys,
The address thing is purely a UX / interface issue at this point. It will work on the post cards as should (did multiple test to confirm). We’ll fix the UX asap as well.
Thanks again!
Ok, this one should be fixed now
Ai! This still broken? Let me know and I’ll look into it right away (thanks a bunch btw for all your help here)
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Just one more niggly little bug to report: when declining an order/enquiry, I’m being redirected to a blank page with the title of “Page not found”, rather than back to the new order dashboard as I’d expect. I’m having no problems actioning the decline, but it looks like the redirect thereafter just needs to be updated, as it looks like it’s either broken or trying to go back to the old version
Ah, thanks @markembling !
@FrancescoB @ludoh could you have a look? Let me know, Thx!
I might have the cause for this bug; with the update, you’re now required to fill in a “state” or “province” (depending on country). This is a new field, and empty by default. This is probably the main cause of issues with profile or Hub pictures. Filling this in might solve (it’s a bit weird, I admit).
We’ll be fixing the bug this week, but for now this might be the easiest way to move forward.
Let me know
We’ll have a look for sure. Thank you for reporting the issue!
For me, the buttons to go between pages are gone… am I the only one? I can’t access any orders beyond page one now
March 14, 2016, 7:38pm
Tried that… no difference…
March 14, 2016, 8:15pm
Hey @JATMN it looks like it works now… I just re-ordened your images and added a link and saving worked this time. We just did a update to fix this issue, let me know if you’re seeing the same?
March 14, 2016, 8:17pm
But… all those images -had- links before… I haven’t added any that I can recall since before the new dashboard.
March 14, 2016, 8:35pm
It looks like for some users the links got lost when they updated the orders or their gallery, this shouldn’t happen anymore now. @ludoh can you confirm?
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Congrats @Marvin , you did a fantastic job!