The big day is finally here! We’re so excited to share the Form 3 and the Form 3L with our awesome current users, and the 3D printing community at large.
The Form 3 is the continuation of the Form 2 lineage, delivering more detailed prints, at a faster speed, and more reliably for decreased printing downtime.
The Form 3L is an affordable large format 3D printer utilizing the same Low Force Stereolithography(LFS) technology as the Form 3. With two lasers working simultaneously and a 500% larger build volume than the Form 3, print large parts fast!
For significantly more information about these machines please check out our website.
My name is Dan, and I’m the new community manager here at Formlabs after being on our support team for a couple years. I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself as long as we’re introducing the new printers!
If you have any questions at all please feel free to leave them here or message me directly.
April 3, 2019, 10:23am
Hi @FormlabsDK very excited about this release, I’ve been waiting! One key question on my mind is how the resin cartridges and print beds are detected/registered. I had a Form 2 a year or so ago and it had constant issues with reporting the cartridge as missing mid-print, etc. and eventually I got a full refund from the UK supplier after they were unable to solve the problem, even after fitting new parts from Formlabs.
Does the Form 3 use the same detection system and, if so, has it been improved in any way? I know I wasn’t alone having these problems.
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Great question! The broad answer is that there’s significantly more redundancy built in this time around. Extra sensors at every level so if the connection gets a little week there are backups to make sure it continues to read.
April 12, 2019, 9:01am
Hi @FormlabsDK good to hear, thanks for responding. When my Form 2 worked it produced beautiful prints and it was actually a tough decision to return it even with the faults, so if the Form 3 can be more reliable (and larger, better in other ways, etc.) it should be a great machine.