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Jul 2015

Hi New York Makers & Modelers!

Last week we hosted the first Introduction to 3D modeling in Tinkercad at 3D Hubs NY. A huge thank you to all you makers who were able to make it! It was great to have Andy Taylor of @tinkercad, out from San Francisco to give the workshop and take us through the process of creating a 3D printable, watertight 3D printable planter.

It was great to have a range of abilities from those who’d never explored 3D modeling before to makers looking to explore new software. Having done some modeling in Tinkercad before I found the hotkey sheet a resource I’m hoping will shave some time off my modeling.

For those of you who didn’t or couldn’t make it, don’t panic. We’re planning to host a few more of these workshops with the terrific Tinkercad team across different cities. Watch this space for updates.

If you did make the workshop and are up for sharing we would love to see your designs and printed planters! Please do add them to this thread!

See you all soon!


  • created

    Jul '15
  • last reply

    Jul '15
  • 6


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  • 4


It was fun and the planter are super cool! Andy popped magnets into his so that they attache to each other. I Tinkered a bit @derKarsten, but others needed to use my laptop.

Thanks Nikki. The workshop was really fun.

Let’s get Andy back for 123D Design!

Such a pleasure and what a great idea! Andy @tinkercad, what do you say to that?

Hope last weekend was a huge success @FABbulous and that you both had an awesome time!